
How To Say Jamari In Spanish

159 interesting Spanish slang words from all over the globe

Marco Monroy

So, you're well on your way in your Spanish learning journeying and started feeling proud of your progress in class. Then, suddenly, you endeavor to have a conversation with someone whose first language is Spanish - and your pride is shattered.What did they simply say?

If this has happened to you lot before, don't worry! It probably means that you need to learn some Spanish slang to sympathize informal Spanish vocabulary. Castilian is spoken natively in over 20 countries and even has more first language speakers than English language, making it an incredibly various language with many unlike slang words and phrases.

Men conversing in Spanish slang.

Let usa walk you through some of the most popular Spanish slang words and phrases throughout Latin America and Europe. We'll cover popular Spanish slang for 'friend', Spanish slang for 'cool', Castilian slang for texting, and more. We will likewise interruption down some of the about popular slang per country and then that you know what to say next time you visit.

With this nifty guide, y'all'll soon be able to navigate casual conversations like a local!

Why you need to know Spanish slang

There are over xx Castilian-speaking countries worldwide. Just equally English-speaking countries like the United states of america, the UK, and Australia have unique slang, different countries in Latin America and Europe volition accept different Spanish slang words.

Learning a wide variety of Spanish slang phrases will permit you to:

  • Travel throughout Latin America and Spain with ease.
  • Spare yourself some embarrassing situations where you don't know the local Spanish slang.
  • Communicate more effectively and naturally with locals.
  • Sound more like a fluent speaker.
  • Understand local memes and cyberspace jokes!
  • Watch YouTube videos, TV shows, and other slang-heavy digital media from different countries.

Although learning Castilian slang can seem daunting, information technology's too a fun experience that will open many doors in your Castilian-learning journeying.

Download our free guide to Castilian slang!

Woman on train reading Spanish forum to learn Spanish slang.

Spanish slang

Now that you're excited to larn Spanish slang, let'due south become into it. We'll cover the virtually popular Spanish slang words and phrases and provide their English translation likewise as Castilian pronunciation for English speakers. Substantially, we'll recreate the sounds with English words, so that you know how to say each word without having to mimic a native speaker!

Keep in heed that Spanish slang is pronounced differently in each country. For instance, Spaniards generally pronounce the letter of the alphabet c equally a th while Mexicans pronounce it as an south. The Spanish pronunciation column in the tables below will reflect the local pronunciation for the respective country for accurateness.

Spanish slang words

Spanish is a highly regionalized language, and then most countries will have their own slang. Some slang words may fifty-fifty mean completely different things in different countries.

Before nosotros go into country-specific slang, hither are some Spanish slang words that are pretty universal.

Spanish slang give-and-take Castilian pronunciation English meaning
Chamba chahm-bah Work
Buenazo bweh-nah-zoh Really adept
Plata plah-tah Money
Vaina vy-nah A thing
Ojo oh-ho Scout out
Mande mahn-deh What? / Come up again?

General Spanish slang phrases

Spanish slang phrases are also highly dependent on the country. Many nationals will have slightly (or highly!) different ways of saying things. Here are some mutual slang phrases that can be pretty well understood in nigh any Castilian-speaking country.

Spanish slang phrase Spanish pronunciation English meaning
Ponerse las pilas Poh-nehr-seh las pee-las To step it up
Hablar por los codos Ah-blahr pour los coh-dos To be very chatty
Echar una mano Eh-chahr oo-nah mah-no To help someone
Dejar plantado Deh-har plahn-tah-doh To stand up someone up
Caer gordo Kah-ehr gor-doh To dislike someone
Mala pata Mah-la Pah-tah Bad luck

Spanish slang for friend

If you're studying Spanish, y'all probably know that amigo is the word for 'friend.' Nevertheless, did y'all know there are dozens of other ways you can refer to your friends? Below are some of the most common Spanish slang for 'friend,' including the state where each word is used.

Spanish slang for friend Castilian pronunciation Country where it'southward used
Parce Par-say Colombia.
Llave Ya-veh Republic of chile and Colombia
Compa Come-pah Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Republic of el salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Argentina.
Cuate Kwah-teh Mexico, Venezuela, Guatemala, Bolivia.
Alero Ah-leh-ro Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.
Pana Pah-nah Panama, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, and more.
Hermano Er-mah-no Virtually all of Latin America.
Pata Pah-ta Cuba, Republic of peru, Bolivia, and Chile.
Carnal Car-nal Mexico, Republic of guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Argentina.
Bróder Bro-dehr Nigh of Latin America.
Tío tee-oh Spain.

Spanish slang for cool

One of the first things you will observe about Spanish slang words is that most countries accept unlike means of saying "cool." Our table beneath will ready you with the Castilian slang for cool you will need to survive anywhere.

Spanish slang for cool Spanish pronunciation Land where it'due south used
Bakan Bah-ca Chile.
Bárbaro Bar-bah-row Argentina and Uruguay.
Buena onda Boo-eh-nah On-da Chile, Mexico, and Argentine republic.
Cachete Cah-che-teh Chile and Costa Rica.
Chévere Che-veh-reh Most of Latin America.
Chido Chee-doh Mexico.
Chivo Chee-vo El salvador.
Guay Goo-I Spain and parts of Mexico.
Padre Pah-dre Mexico.
Pichudo Pee-choo-doh Republic of costa rica.
Piola Pee-oh-la Argentine republic and Chile.
Suave Swa-veh United mexican states.
Topísimo Toh-pee-run into-mo Chile.
Tuanis Too-ah-knees Costa rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, and El Salvador.

Free downloadable guide to Spanish slang

We've created a listing of popular slang words and phrases and so you can start sounding like, and connect with Spanish locals. This guide to slang will have your Spanish learning to the next level.

Free guide to Spanish slang.

Other land-specific Castilian slang

Mexican slang

Mexican slang word Pronunciation English meaning
Chela Che-la Beer
Fresa Fray-sa Preppy
Aguas Ah-goo-as Watch out
Crudo Croo-doh Hungover
¡A huevo! Ah weh-voh Hell yeah!
Chilango Chee-lan-get Someone from Mexico City
Metiche Muh-tee-che Nosey
No manches No man-chess No style
Güey/Wey Goo-ay / woo-ay Dude
Neta Neh-tah Actually? / The truth
Ahorita Ah-oh-ree-tah Right this moment
Sale Sah-leh Ok, sure

​​Colombian slang

Colombian slang word Spanish pronunciation English meaning
El parche Elle par-che A grouping of friends
Polas Poh-lahs Some beers
Rumbiar Room-bee-are To political party
Changó Chan-goh To go dancing
Guayabo Goo-ah-ya-boh Hungover
Los tombos Los tom-bohs The constabulary
Entucar In-too-car To kiss
¡Paila! Pie-la Too bad!
Un catorce Oon kah-tor-se A favor
Chiviado Chee-vee-ah-doh Simulated
Chino Chee-noh A child
Tinto Teen-toh Black coffee

Cuban slang

Cuban slang word Spanish pronunciation English language meaning
Yuma Yoo-ma A foreigner not from Latin America.
Un mate Oon ma-teh A french osculation.
¡Nos pillamos! No-southward pee-ya-mos Meet you shortly!
Jamar Ha-mar To swallow
Camello Kah-meh-yo Bus
¡Tu maletín! Too mah-leh-teen That's your problem!
Me resbala Meh Res-bah-la I don't care
¡Chao pescao! Cha-oh pis-kah-oh Good day!
Me piro Meh pee-ro I'k leaving
Chivo Chee-vo Bicycle

Peruvian slang

Peruvian slang discussion Spanish pronunciation English significant
Al toque Al toh-keh Very apace
Asado Ah-sah-doh Angry
Bamba Bahm-bah Fake
Florear Flo-re-are To lie
Grifo Gree-foh Gas station
Huevear Weh-veh-are To actively do cypher
Jama Ha-ma Food
Piña Pee-n-yah Someone with bad luck
Pituco Pee-too-koh A rich person
Roche Roh-che Embarrassing

Argentinian slang

Argentinian slang word Spanish pronunciation English significant
Che Che Hey
Boludo Bow-loo-doh Jerk
Pibe / Piba Pee-beh / Pee-bah Guy / Daughter
Wacho Wah-cho Rascal
Groso Grow-so The best
Tener paja Ten-air pah-ha To feel lazy
Tener mala leche Ten-air mal-ah lay-che Having bad luck
Forro Fo-row Idiot
Laburo Lah-boo-row Task
Volá Vo-lah Get out!

Chilean slang

Chilean slang word Spanish pronunciation English meaning
Caña Kah-northward-ya Hangover
Carretear Machine-ray-teh-are To party
Pololo / Polola Poh-depression-low / Pow-depression-la Boyfriend / Girlfriend
Jote Ho-teh Player
Mina Mee-nah Immature adult female
Taco Tah-kow Traffic jam
Harto Are-toh Many
Luca Loo-kah 1,000 pesos
Filo Fee-lo Alright
Buenmoso Boo-en-mo-so Beautiful

Venezuelan slang

Venezuelan slang word Spanish pronunciation English pregnant
Chamo Cha-mo Dude
Dale Da-lay Of class!
Chimbo Cheem-bo Cheap or low-quality.
Burda Boor-da A lot / really.
Coroto Ko-ro-to Thing
Ladilla La-dee-ya Annoying
Mamarracho Ma-ma-ra-cho A ridiculous affair or person
¡Taima! Tie-ma Stop!
Choro Cho-row A thief or criminal
Ratón Ra-ton Hangover
Quedao Kay-da-oh A irksome person (mentally)
Ladillado La-dee-ya-doh Being annoyed

Castilian slang in Spain

Spanish slang word Spanish pronunciation English meaning
Vale Vah-lay Certain
Flipar Flee-par To go crazy
Majo Mah-ho Cute
¡Hostia! Us-tee-ah Damn!
¡Venga! Venn-gah Let'southward go!
Chaval Cha-vah-l A kid
Empanado Em-pa-nah-doh Someone deadening (mentally)
¡Joder! Ho-der Damn it!
Cabrearse Kah-breh-are-seh To become pissed off
Cutre Koo-treh Opposite of cute
Los viejos Los Vee-eh-hos My parents
Puente Poo-en-teh A long weekend

Other Spanish slang from places not mentioned above

Spanish slang discussion Spanish pronunciation English meaning Country where it's used
Mae May Dude Republic of costa rica
Tico / Tica Tee-co / Tee-ca A Costa Rican person. Republic of costa rica
¡Diay! Dee-ay An exclamation word that expresses defoliation. Costa Rica
Tiguere Tee-guh-reh A street smart person. Dominican Commonwealth
Colmado Kohl-ma-doh A corner store Dominican Democracy
Chercha Cher-cha A party Dominican Republic
¡Chendo! Chen-doh Just kidding! Ecuador
Lámpara Lam-pah-ra Sketchy Republic of ecuador
Caleta Cal-seh-ta Business firm or abode Republic of ecuador
Chucho Choo-cho Dog El Salvador
¡Puchica! Poo-chee-ca Damn! El salvador
Chero / Chera Che-ro / Che-ra Guy / girl El Salvador
Offi Oh-fee Okay Panama
¿Qué sopa? Kay So-pah What'south up? Panama
Chupata Choo-pah-ta A political party Panama

Spanish slang FAQs

What is some Spanish texting slang?

Merely equally English speakers use LOL, TTYL, and ILY when texting, Spanish speakers utilise a lot of slang when messaging each other. Here are some of the nigh common Spanish texting slang acronyms you lot should know.

Castilian texting slang Spanish meaning English meaning
X Por By / why
TQM / TKM Te quiero mucho I similar you lot a lot (amicably)
K Que That
KYT Cállate Shut up
Grax Gracias Thank you
TB Ta bien / todo bien That'southward okay / all good

What is some Spanish slang for coin?

There are many different Castilian slang words for coin, equally y'all can imagine. Here are some of the most common ones so that yous're never caught off guard when information technology comes to money:

  • Baro
  • Lana
  • Billete
  • Cobre
  • Morralla
  • Oaoa
  • Bolas
  • Feria

What is Spanish slang for girlfriend?

Spanish slang for friend.

Calling your girlfriend past a cutesy slang name is very common across Latin America. If you're trying to impress your Latin American girlfriend, try calling her ane of the following Castilian slang words for girlfriend:

  • Mi vida
  • Mi princesa
  • Mi chica
  • La dueña de mis quincenas
  • Mi polola

When is it appropriate to utilise Spanish slang?

Castilian slang should be strictly limited to casual and breezy conversations. You should never employ slang in a formal setting, such equally in school, work, or whatsoever formal environment. E'er try to limit the amount of slang you use when you starting time see someone of higher authority than y'all, like your dominate, your spouse's parents, or officials.

Check out our mail service on formal and informal greetings in Spanish here, if yous're looking for expert guidance.

Tips for learning Castilian slang

Women learning Spanish slang through practice.

Learning Spanish slang is ane of the few things that you most likely won't be able to accomplish in a classroom. No matter how avant-garde your Spanish classes are, yous probably won't spend a lot of fourth dimension learning Spanish slang every bit you focus on grammar structures and vocabulary instead.

Hither are some great tips to better your knowledge of Spanish slang so that you tin can get more like a native speaker.

Make Castilian-speaking friends

The all-time way to learn Spanish slang is through practice. Making Spanish-speaking friends and communicating with them constantly is the best manner to amend your understanding of Spanish slang.

Will y'all struggle to understand slang as it naturally appears in conversation? Sure. Might you feel embarrassed if you misuse slang? It happens! But the best way to learn slang is by trial and error. Merely proceed talking with your Spanish-speaking friends, and you volition soon pick upward and master every slang discussion they utilise.

Group of friends learn Spanish slang.

Immerse yourself in the language

Full language immersion is an excellent way to better your linguistic communication skills all around. If you're trying to grow your Spanish slang vocabulary, there is no better way than exposing yourself to everyday conversations where slang is most probable to come up naturally.

If total physical immersion isn't possible due to piece of work or family unit responsibilities, so you can effort your all-time to turn your life into a Spanish-speaking surround.

You can practice this by:

  • Listening to Spanish music.
  • Watching Spanish Idiot box shows.
  • Listening to Spanish podcasts.
  • Reading Spanish books, especially novels.
  • Watching YouTube videos from Spanish creators.

All of these are splendid ways to increase the amount of Spanish slang yous are exposed to regularly.

Read informal online forums

I of the problems with reading books to increment your exposure to Spanish slang is that they tend to be highly edited and written with plain Spanish. An excellent way to circumvent this is to read what native speakers write and publish online without filtering. Online forums are an ideal place for this.

If y'all have any hobbies or passions, the chances are that there are plenty of Spanish-speaking online forums that you will find interesting. Google some of your interests in Spanish plus the word "fórum" and y'all are sure to discover an exciting website with enough of native content for you to consume!

Some concluding key takeaways

Learning Spanish slang words tin take your language skills to the next level. Just knowing how to put sentences together and use textbook vocabulary will non be plenty to navigate daily life in Spain, Latin America or other dominant Spanish-speaking regions.

Luckily, learning Spanish slang is now easier than ever, thank you to the cyberspace and how you can mimic immersion from your own home.

We promise yous accept plant this guide with Spanish slang phrases effective and enjoyable. If you are traveling to whatever of the countries listed in our guide, we strongly encourage you to memorize every slang give-and-take for the respective country before you visit - and bookmark this page and regularly come dorsum to it!


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